#3 - Stick to Your List, Stick to Your List, Stick to Your List
Sticking to your list is probably the most important thing you can do to save money on groceries and hit your grocery budget. Your list is your plan, man. When you buy something else, you are spending your money on something you didn’t plan for.
Treat your list like your lifeline: stick to it and get yourself out of there! Make note of the things you wanted or felt like you needed that weren’t on your list, and when you’re safely away from temptation, re - evaluate. Did you just miss an item that should have been on your list? Or were you wanting that thing for other reasons?
#4 - Beat Your Budget: Find the Best Deals on the Things You Need
You know what you need to buy because you made an awesome list. But how can you get the best deal on each of those items? Balance your total budget (how much you have overall to spend at the grocery store), with the best per - unit cost for each item. For example, if you only have $25 to spend, a years’ worth of toilet paper for $50 is not that helpful. But, if you can get a weeks’ worth of toilet paper for $1 less than normal, you just found $1.
#5 - Stick to Your Plan at Home, Too: Use All of What You Buy
Stretch those dollars even further by reducing or eliminating waste, so you can buy less often. And maximize your grocery purchases for the foods and supplies that meet your needs, and make your life easier, happier, and healthier. Keep going!
What to Do If Your Grocery Bill is Putting You Underwater